The Philosophy Of Modern Slaves

Philosophy can be a powerful tool.

But what if this “stoic tool” only makes you passive and even more stuck in a situation you absolutely hate?


“endurance of pain… without complaint” ???

Now look at similar terms:

  • lack of protest
  • lack of complaint
  • resignation
  • acceptance

What kind of philosophy is that?

Basically it says: “if your life is shit 💩, just eat it all up” (and smile while eating it)

Talk about being an absolute mind slave. 🤦‍♂️

But what if…

…you don’t accept the cards you were dealt

…you flip the table

…you get angry and force this life to bend to your will?

The Art of Sustained Anger

Any idiot can be angry for 2 minutes (in which he usually does something very stupid). But sustained anger? That’s a skill to be developed… a POWER to be harnessed.

You always see water dams built around big, wild, and powerful rivers.

And there’s a reason it’s never around small, quiet, and “stoic” streams.

Your emotions hold and incredible amount of energy. And by suppressing or ignoring them, you’re stripping yourself from a great source of power.

Negative Emotions

The only negative emotions are the ones that prevent you from taking action and influencing your surroundings:

  • sadness
  • depression
  • laziness
  • etc.

If you don’t like your situation, don’t be sad about it – be angry.

Revolutions start when a lot of people are angry. And those people force an entire history in a totally different direction.

That is why you don’t have any historic example of stoic thinkers getting together and changing anything.

The only thing stoic ideas changed is pacify you, make you docile, convince you to do absurd mental gymnastics to do… what exactly? – To accept a situation that is totally unacceptable (and unbearable).

When faced with unacceptable situation your only option is to change it. Everything else is silent suffering and coping (especially stoicism, which is “endurance of pain without complaint”, remember?)

So, if you want to stop being a beast of fucking burden, shoot me an email and I will send you 7 emails back (no more, no less) that will change your life.

(These are not sales emails that try to pitch you some program, or coaching, or whatever online b.s. is popular today – instead, they will shake you to your core. You are not ready for what you’re about to receive, but you need it nonetheless…)